If someone sends me a message on Instagram, I’ll usually respond pretty quickly. If I’m busy or don’t have anything to say, I might not respond right away, but I’ll get back to them eventually.

To like a message on Instagram DM, simply tap the heart icon in the bottom right corner of the message.

There are a few possible reasons why you might not be able to react to Instagram messages. One possibility is that you have the “hide story replies” setting turned on. This setting hides all reactions and comments from your story posts, including messages from people who you’ve blocked. If this is the case, you can turn off the “hide story replies” setting in your account settings.Another possibility is that you have the “hide direct messages” setting turned on.

There are a few quick reactions that you can use on Instagram to show your followers that you’re engaged with their posts. These reactions are “liking” a post, commenting on a post, and following a user. If you want to show your appreciation for someone’s post, “liking” it is the quickest way to do so. If you have something more to say about the post, commenting is the way to go.

There are a few ways to add likes on Instagram. One way is to like other people’s posts. Another way is to use a third-party app to add likes.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to change your reactions on Instagram may vary depending on your personal preferences and the types of posts you see. However, some tips to help change your reactions on Instagram include following accounts that post content that you find interesting or inspiring, avoiding accounts that post negative or uninteresting content, and unfollowing any accounts that tend to make you feel bad about yourself.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to react in Messenger. One possibility is that you’re not using the latest version of the app. Make sure you have the latest version of Messenger installed, and try again.Another possibility is that your phone’s settings don’t allow for reactions. To check this, open your phone’s settings and look for the “Messages” or “Chat” section.

There could be a few reasons why you’re unable to react to messages on Discord. One possibility is that you have the “Mute” setting enabled for that particular chat. If you’re not sure how to check this or disable it, we’ve got a handy guide on how to do so here.Another possibility is that you’ve reached your reaction limit for the day.

To turn on story reactions on Instagram, open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three lines in the top left corner, and then tap “Story Settings.” Toggle on “Reactions” and choose who can see them.

To see a story reaction on Instagram, you need to first open the story. Then, you’ll see the reactions just below the user’s name.

You can reply to Instagram comments with a quick reply by tapping the comment and then the reply icon.